Is it just me, or are the majority of the artists on NG that are down with Deviantart arrogant chumps? Every post I see in the art forum with this link seems to belong to an over-self estimating "artist" with the equivalent talent of a kindergartener. I'm sorry, but when a worthless, copier (or tracer) finds the nerve to negatively criticize my work without really investigating the posts to see other examples (it's an experimental Flash frame, u stoopid beeyatch) of my caliber, it makes me say Fuck YOU BITCH!!!
Get a fucking clue as to what art is and then check back with me. When I was 14, I was drawing and writing shit that you won't achieve for another 14...Lmfao! Sheeit, when I was half of your age, you dumb ugly cunt, I was drawing stuff that'd make you slit your wrists crosswise like a fuckin emo fag! Do yourself a favor and suck a long dick! not mine though, I'm not into bestiality, you fucking dog!
Why don't you RAWR yourself into a fucking classroom and give up your dreams of being an artist! You'd make a better asshole than an artist, don't insult the industry or I'll have to hunt you down and lay you in a hole somewhere for the pigs to suckle your fat flesh, butter back! Fuckin Cannuck Pig! While you're at, do me a favor, would you you gross ogre-whore? Tell the rest of your art Deviantart buddies they should commit ritual cult suicide and to make sure to leave the tape recorder running so I can lmfao while I bathe their corpses in lye.
Read a book! Get a fuckin clue! Think twice before you fuck with the devil! Then think again! Because you can never beat me. Not on your best day or my worse. Not with your entire cru. Peace, nasty bulldyke.